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Guide to nuke/Emp easier

Discussion in 'Guides' started by eric8smith, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. eric8smith

    eric8smith Active Member

    Aug 14, 2014
    First of all you have to choose your gun accordingly to the map. If you play launch_tdm with a shotgun, most likely you will not be successful. A sniper or automatic would give u more advantage because it's such a big map. Close quarters maps like standoff, plaza, and erosion most people tend to use donator weapons such as bow, mini and flame. This is because everyone goes to one room even though they know they might die easier but are taking the chances of picking off the other team with the bow.

    To help improve your gameplay you might wanna buy armor by doing /war buy armor or /war buy superarmor (armor is iron chest plate and boots it costs 125 credits, super armor is diamond chest plate and boots it costs 525 credits I wouldn't recommend this for lower levels though because it's a one round use meaning after that round over if you want armor again, you need to pay 125 or 525 credits again). I do not do this myself though because I find it a waste of my credits but it is useful, it might just save ur life from a sneaky moddel or iso.

    Try to jump and shoot (dance like @TheParakeetLover does it works really well because it's harder for the enemy to kill a moving target) this will annoy people though but an easy way to kill if you can't find a good camping spot.

    And last but not least try to hide in the weird places like headglitching as they call it in cod. Headglitching is hiding behind a 1 regular block and a half slab block and shooting just above to kill enimies, preventing them from killing you easier. This is possible because the bullets don't actually come out of your gun instead it comes out or your mc characters head. As shown below you can camp like that and get high ks by spraying Skully and python

    Good gun combos:
    Skully - desert eagle this gives you fast fire rate and deagle is really accurate in case if a shotgunner sneaks up on you, pop him really fast with deagle and you don't even need to aim. Good for all maps as far as I know, you can headglitch like people do in cod very easy to get ks that way. Avoid headglitchers if you see one, usually they can be a big threat, people like @TheParakeetLover @Scoat2 @meltingangel @mafiaferret (sorry if I didn't include some people I just came up with these names really fast because they totally wreck my ks fast and easily) and other pro people really can ruin your kill streak avoid them as much as possible but use this tactic as much as possible.

    Ak47 - deagle this is like a non prestige version of the Skully-deagle class. Ak47 shoots relatively fast and does a decent amount of damage. This is good for close/long range maps.

    Moddel - deagle/python this is often used by non donars who unfortunately couldn't get scav (don't worry in 2.0 you guys can get it for credits so save up!) model is the most op shotgun while deagle can either be used for far distance snipers or to easily kill a rusher. Good for most maps (try to hide in corners and play the waiting game)

    Iso - Python one of the most op combos as ISO is a one hit kill on anywhere on the body while Python is usually 2-4 hit kill depending on where you shoot the person. Use this in halo outpost

    Msr/drag - deagle this is for the non prestige people. Although it requires scav to actually Emp or nuke it's still a good combo as msr shoots really fast and drag is also good but a bit slower. Very useful in maps like nuketown or launch

    Ump-45 and deagle also an op class but needs scav to actually get anywhere. Smgs outrank shotguns in close quart combats and deagle because of accuracy useful in tdm

    Mini - deagle/python this class is most often used by donars such as me :stuck_out_tongue: I use this often not because I suck, I use it because I just don't want to have a shotgun ruin my good ks. This is very effective in infect such as maps like derrise_infect and fallen_infect

    Cbow - this gun can be assisted by any secondary really, all you need to do is spam arrows and hope for the best (scav recommended) and sometimes it on hit kills on impact and explodes when players respawn so the afk people give you free kills making it easier to Emp/nuke

    Good maps to nuke on:
    meltdown_ctf (mini or cbow)
    Erosion_tdm (if lucky with bow)
    Firing range_tdm (rampage with mini)
    Carrier_ctf/tdm (jump and shoot Skully-deagle/python)

    Good luck to everyone and see ya peeps on mcwar!
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    #1 eric8smith, Aug 17, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
  2. TheParakeetLover

    TheParakeetLover Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2014
    Nice job, must have taken ages to type this much :open_mouth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. eric8smith

    eric8smith Active Member

    Aug 14, 2014
    Thanks @TheParakeetLover it took me like 20 min still editing doe
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  4. F1r3tar

    F1r3tar Highly Established Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    That head-glitching part sounds useful. Thanks for the tip.
  5. eric8smith

    eric8smith Active Member

    Aug 14, 2014
    Anytime @F1r3tar :grinning:

    image.jpg This is how you headglitch, the person seems like he can't see you, but from his pov he can see and kill you because bullets for some reason shoot out of your head and not the gun (hide behind a 1 regular mc block and a half slab perfect spot to camp)
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