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Endercows guide and tips!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by HaThisNamesTaken, Oct 22, 2014.

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  1. HaThisNamesTaken

    HaThisNamesTaken Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Hello McBrawlers! This shall be my guide to McWar.
    First off, let's start with the guns.
    First thing comes to mind? Iso. Being a front line sniper requires lots of skill, patients and practise. With the bolt action snipers such as L188a, Barrett 50.cal, and L120 Isolator, quick scoping is needed. Try aiming for the heads of your enemies, as it is very effective and much more damage. (Most cases instakill).
    For the high rof snipers like MSR, dragonuv, and disassembler I usually suggest camping or picking off large crowds from a sneaky place.
    Assult rifles
    These rifles are very deadly campers. Skull crusher or "Skully" is often known for the high amounts of usage and the simple "jump and straft teqnique". With the low burst geared rifles like m16, I highly suggest aiming for the heads. M16 can be deadly since if used right in the head, it will kill as fast as skull crusher. With long spammers like m4a1 and lamenation, I suggest only using them if you have the perk "Scavenger". try using these guns for many rushes, which are easily done on large amounts of people.

    Yes. The strong MODDEL my love. Shotguns are strong for mini camping spots like behind a corner while shifting. There are the pump shotguns and the slow heavy duty shotguns. I highly suggest not to use m1041 because of the weak damage, length and RoF. Shotguns are better on small maps. I do not suggest scoping with high damage shotguns like MODDEL, or in a small battle. With the under used spas 12 and 24, try and scope with them and take advantage of thier range. Use the aa12 and typhoid wisely if your do not have scavenger.

    The pistols, the trusty backup weapons are quite OP. With decent damage, range and ammo, these can pack a powerful punch. With usp and m9, always always aim for the headshots and small like crazy. Otherwise, there is about 90% the victim will notice and kill you first.
    Executioner is a must need for OIC (one in the chamber). The great spread and speed, this gun I basicly a mini aa12 or typhoid. Desert Egle and Python are most commonly favoured by higher levelled gamers because of pythons great deal of damage and deagles range and great combos.

    My Teqniques
    The Teqniques I use are:
    • Shifting while using an assult rifle, high RoF sniper and pistol. This is because it is a slighter chance of getting headshoted as well.
    • Head glitching is not actually glitching, it is just hiding behind a half slab. This is so it is harder to hit your head and rest of body. Try to use L120 Isolator and burst assult rifles while camping.
    • Recoil. I have adapted quiet well to it. I often use this trick with shotguns, as they have the strongest recoil to handle. When needed for maps like cove and hydro, (ones where you travel water) you can travel much faster. Also, when in trouble use the shotguns recoil to gun you a boost while escaping, which escapes and deals some damage.
    • Zombie infect suiciding. I highly suggest suiciding because of the high amounts of kills you receive, for only so little. On large maps like hydro, it is harder to kill but I do not suggest doing so.
    • Random spam shots are very helpful. Whenever you are just randomly turning a corner, just spam a few shots. This could save your life and end another's xD. This prevents a less chance of getting camped or trapped. Also, just once in a while turn around and scope the area for name tags to make sure you are not being followed.
    • GunGame: ALWAYS try and use stopping power as it is very strong and helpful to the guns. Also, always aim for the headshots, especially with Usp 45, m9, and magnum. With shotguns, scope to aim for the head, making it easier to kill with the weaklings, m1014 and spas.
    Combos! Combos are very helpful in most situations. You can just do the simple way, which is shoot with one gun till it's gone, then switch to another. Some comboes you can use are aa12 and executioner, ISO and Python, minigun and DEAGLE, and my created combo, m16 and m9.

    Wel, I hope you brawlers like my guide on how to play mcwar! :smile:
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    #1 HaThisNamesTaken, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
  2. Serine1002

    Serine1002 A shadow in the night

    Oct 2, 2013
    Teaching dem nubs how to camp eh? xD
  3. ItsGoldNotBudder

    ItsGoldNotBudder Active Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    I see you have left out snipers. I am offended sir.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw it at the top xD
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Confusing Confusing x 1
  4. Serine1002

    Serine1002 A shadow in the night

    Oct 2, 2013
    He labeled them first.
  5. ItsGoldNotBudder

    ItsGoldNotBudder Active Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    I thought that was part of the title still, but back to your guide, It is a good guide, but certain parts seem to be geared towards higher leveled guns.
  6. BrawlerAce

    BrawlerAce Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2013
    Because most people who know the server only use their little high level guns.
    I've seen almost no one make a guide equally focusing on weapons or focusing on low level weapons.

    Also lrn2combo pls
    #6 BrawlerAce, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  7. ItsGoldNotBudder

    ItsGoldNotBudder Active Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Challenge accepted
  8. sensei15151

    sensei15151 Active Member

    Apr 5, 2014
    Nice guide for noobiesssssssssssssss :stuck_out_tongue:
  9. teawithchoco

    teawithchoco Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    A nice guide for new players
  10. Scoat2

    Scoat2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2013
    Very nice guide!
    Ooh, I like how you included recoil in your guide.

    Since recoil was added to almost every gun recently, I'm excited to see the guides that adapt to it, or even how old guides are edited. @BrawlerAce_ do you plan on revising your guide to accommodate the new recoil?
    I'd like to see you do better :stuck_out_tongue:
  11. BrawlerAce

    BrawlerAce Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2013
    I'm no longer updating my guide, since I basically transferred everything in it to the wiki. I may switch it to tips/tricks for each weapon.
  12. __Astro_

    __Astro_ Active Member

    Aug 18, 2014
    When reading this, there's a few word I think of:
    Camp every game
  13. SuperEpps22556

    SuperEpps22556 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    Why does everyone hate campers? You know were they are....Use some SKILL to LEARN how to kill someone when they are camping. Why do you think everyone usually rages at me for killing them easily. I either take a sniper and blind snipe them from extreme distances, spam autos or pistol until they run into my bullets, or find a way they can be c4'd with a chance of blindness from flashbangs. It not that hard once you get use to it.

    On the other hand, very written guide.
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