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gay ben

gay ben
  1. Aboves
    I know this is late, but some people are right eye dominant, so having the gun on the right side of the screen is very distracting and can give them worse vision.
    Sep 1, 2016
  2. ObamaTheReptile
    It makes me feel like a better player, and so I play better (at least, that's what it feels like). It's sort of tricking myself into thinking I'm better than I really am, but it helps get rid of tilt and probably makes me more consistent. I do get not liking left hand though, I absolutely hated it at first.
    Aug 20, 2016
  3. SoullessAngel_
    Every single one of your videos makes me cringe cause of the left handed settings . I just can't imagine playing on that (not judging you for playing on it though)
    Aug 20, 2016