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Mini #7 [MCWARZ]

Mini #7 [MCWARZ]
MrWaffleman and Audi_ like this.
  1. Usp45
    And that second song... Queen is great.
    Jun 6, 2015
  2. Usp45
    Insane as ever, but can I ask how you fire your barret spas so fast?
    I find it physically impossible to hotkey that fast.
    Maybe ping.
    Jun 6, 2015
  3. 19kss
    Maek command testing vid on me!!!!!!!!!!!! like earlier.
    Jun 6, 2015
  4. tallscot
    so this was the mini you were talking about

    Nice job ;)
    Hope we can team again in the future.
    Jun 5, 2015