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Intro J'en ai vu de partout ici...

Discussion in 'Intros & Outros' started by tungstene2002, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. tungstene2002

    tungstene2002 Member

    Jul 15, 2014
    Bonjour. C'est tungstene2002, pour un message en français. Je pense que pour trouver la signification de ce message, vous irez chercher sur Google Traduction et pas dans un dictionnaire. Après tout c'est à cela que ça sert.

    J'étais en train de jouer avec Zippix. Quand il arriva je resta poli car il avait un plus haut niveau que moi, ce qui lui donnera raison car ici avec une communauté pareille on se sent à la préhistoire, et la mentalité est comparable au plus gros rageux du monde sur n'importe quel Fps. On était sur Strikezone en mode TeamDeathmatch. On était que tous les deux. On campait à son spawn. Il était rouge et j'était bleu. Cela se passa dans la "galerie" vitrée. Je jouais Isolator et en sautant habilement je pus le tuer. Je ne sais pas si c'est par jalousie ou par sa mentalité qu'il m'accusa d'être un hacker, que mes balles passaient à travers les murs, au lieu que sa hitbox dépassait (sur Mac, Fn+F3+B montre la hitbox des dégâts des joueurs )
    et alla me rapporter pour me faire ban. A l'heure qui l'est, il a dût poster son message. Sachez que je quitte le serveur, car mentir pour faire bannir un joueur parce qu'on à perdu une partie d'un jeu vidéo. Je suis déjà surement ban, mais ce n'est pas grave, je ne rejouerais plus au serveurs Minecraft car la moitié c'est des noobs, le tiers ce sont de gens plus puissants et vieux que toi mais qui ragent et font ban les autres joueurs comme jamais je n'ai vu de rageux comme sa. Après il y a bien un dixième de gens cool autour de ton niveau, qui ragent pas, qui rigolent, qui t'aident et qui ne sont pas dégoutés de perdre une partie et ne te font pas ban, voir même te protégeront. J'en fait surement partie car moi n'ai rien demandé à personne et ne rage pas. C'est dommage j'aimais bien la chaine de serveur Mc-Brawl et j'ai acheté beaucoup de choses ( tous les guns Vip, le Mvp, tous les équipements ( c4, molotov…)
    j'ai même acheté une fois la semaine x2 xp)et que ce n'est pas la première fois que l'on essaye de me faire ban de ce serveur. Adieu.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Chlammy

    Chlammy Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2013
    Are u banned doe?
  3. tungstene2002

    tungstene2002 Member

    Jul 15, 2014
    I don't know…
  4. ZapCrusher

    ZapCrusher Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    lol wot
    Someone translate dis
  5. Impractical

    Impractical Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
    Hello there. It's tungstene2002 for a post in French. I think to find The Meaning of this message you pick up on Google Translate and not in a dictionary. After all that's what this is for. I Was playing with Zippix. When he arrived I Remained polite Because It Had a Higher Level than me, All which Proved _him_ right here with a community Because We feel like in prehistoric times, and the mentality is like the biggest haters of the world On Any fps. We were there in StrikeZone TeamDeathmatch mode. It was just the two. We camped His spawn. It Was I Was red and blue. This happened in the glass "gallery". I played Isolator and jumping skillfully I Could kill _him_. I do not know if it's jealousy or His mentality he accusé me of Being a hacker, my bullets passing through walls, INSTEAD of His hitbox exceeded (on Mac, Fn + F3 + B hitbox shows the damage of the players) and Went to report me to ban me. At That is, He Had to post a message.Know That I am leaving the server, Because lying to ban a player Because We lost to a portion of a video game. I'm already probably ban, aim it does not matter, I do not rejouerais the Minecraft servers Because half is noobs, They Are the Most Powerful third and old people than you are goal motes and ban --other Players like I have never seen haters like her. After there HAS tenth of cool people around your level, motes not a grin, That help you and Who are not disgusted to lose a game and you do not ban, or Even protect you. I actually probably Partly Because I've Abebooks web sites anyone anything and do not rage. It's a shame I liked the chain of Mc-server Brawl and I bought a lot of things (all guns Vip, the MVP, all equipment (c4, molotov ...) Even I Bought ounce x2 xp weekend) and That this is not the first time we're trying to get me banned from this server. Farewell.

    There is the translated message.
  6. ZapCrusher

    ZapCrusher Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Hello there. It's tungstene2002 for a message in French. I think to find the meaning of this message, you pick up on Google Translate and not in a dictionary. After all that's what this is for.

    I was playing with Zippix. When he arrived I remained polite because it had a higher level than me, which proved him right here with a community because we feel like in prehistoric times, and the mentality is like the biggest haters of the world on any fps. We were on StrikeZone in TeamDeathmatch mode. It was just the two. We camped his spawn. It was red and I was blue. This happened in the glass "gallery". I played Isolator and jumping skillfully I could kill him. I do not know if it's jealousy or his mentality he accused me of being a hacker, my bullets passing through walls, instead of his hitbox exceeded (on Mac, Fn + F3 + B hitbox shows the damage of the players)
    and went to report me to ban me. At that is, he had to post a message. Know that I am leaving the server, because lying to ban a player because we lost to a portion of a video game. I'm already probably ban, but it does not matter, I do not rejouerais the Minecraft servers because half is noobs, they are the third most powerful and old people than you are but motes and ban other Players like I have never seen haters like her. After there has a tenth of cool people around your level, motes not a grin, that help you and who are not disgusted to lose a game and you do not ban, or even protect you. I actually probably partly because I've asked anyone anything and do not rage. It's a shame I liked the chain of Mc-server Brawl and I bought a lot of things (all guns Vip, the MVP, all equipment (c4, molotov ...)
    I even bought once a week x2 xp) and that this is not the first time we're trying to get me banned from this server. Farewell.

    Done :wink:

    You ninja .-.

    Salut, nous ne savons très bien les ragers et les appelants noob sur ce serveur, et les ignorer. Tous sont jaloux de vous et de votre habileté incroyable!

    Je ne peux pas vous forcer à rester sur le serveur, mais vous êtes un bon joueur et je voudrais que vous restiez.

    Merci, Zap

    Attached Files:

  7. Usp45

    Usp45 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Pointless Pointless x 1
  8. iMacro

    iMacro An Essential Meme Maker (^:

    Oct 8, 2013
    He is probably trying to scare you, I have never been reported even when people say recorded to me. Don't worry you are fine, you won't get banned because it's just a threat to scare you. I stopped believing that they do record ages ago because I should be banned by now considering the hackusations against me.
  9. Lord_Roke

    Lord_Roke Forever the Forums Watchdog
    Retired Staff

    Aug 13, 2013
    I would like to have a proper translation of this and a explanation what he is trying to do say with this, cause google might have missed something important. @teawithchoco @daniellazer2902 please?

    So far I can only say that there needs to be proof to ban someone, so unless you really hack you will most likely not be banned. (Would be nice if someone french could translate this so he understands it.)
  10. iMacro

    iMacro An Essential Meme Maker (^:

    Oct 8, 2013
    You know that he already translated it right? So no need for them to unless these guys used google to translate is well but hopefully it's one hundred percent accurate.
  11. Lord_Roke

    Lord_Roke Forever the Forums Watchdog
    Retired Staff

    Aug 13, 2013
    In the second part of his translation I can hardly understand something, I would just like to prevent missunderstandings.
  12. SamRVCA

    SamRVCA Active Member

    Jun 2, 2014
    I am French too. :stuck_out_tongue:
  13. Romkelolol

    Romkelolol Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2013
    bonjour tungstene2002!
    excuse moi, mais le forums est international. tu parle anglais aussi?il est important de parler anglais, car il est très utile! profiter de toute façon votre séjour! (mon français n'est pas biene :wink: je suis hollandaise et je parle français pour un année )

    to anyone asking YES i do speak some french... but not that good :stuck_out_tongue:
  14. Le_Mure

    Le_Mure Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2013
    I read it in English even though I'm french-canadian because it's shorter :v
  15. teawithchoco

    teawithchoco Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    Of course @Lord_Roke, ok so everybody get away your google translate and read the real message: So he had joined he server and started playing with a higher lvl than him, they were just fooling around. When suddenly on a match of tdm on Strikezone he manages to kill the other guy. The guy just spams in chat that he is a hacker & saying than he will report him. Finally he says that anyway he is leaving since half the community are mean and noobs which is sad since he had bought pretty much everything for War.
    Your google translate is ****e people :stuck_out_tongue:

    @tungstene2002 tu ne peux pas te faire ban juste comme ça, il n'a pas de preuve donc franchement t'a rien a craindre de ce bébé qui balance des menaces.
  16. Signatured

    Signatured War 2.0 Developer

    Sep 13, 2013
    Moved to Intros/Outros.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. SweetLava

    SweetLava The Sweetest of Lava's

    Nov 23, 2013
    Why does it say intro if his leaving?
  18. teawithchoco

    teawithchoco Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2013
    He probably didn't know he could change the tag.
  19. SweetLava

    SweetLava The Sweetest of Lava's

    Nov 23, 2013
    Au revoir :frowning: Do come back some time..
  20. LallierQc

    LallierQc Active Member

    Aug 16, 2013
    Mange ma citrouille. lolwhut? QUEBEC OSTI! Bonne journee crotin de cheval.
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