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MC-War 1v1 - Prince_Shine | Minecraft [MC-War]

MC-War 1v1 - Prince_Shine | Minecraft [MC-War]
  1. Serine1002
    Prince shine os not old.. On war and IRL.
    Oct 16, 2015
  2. jakob112
    Well the difference between him and you is that he actually rushes, and takes chances. You ran away from him almost the whole game and just peaked a shot when he ran around the corners. You basicly just camped and waited for him to come around the corners. If he wouldve done that too, you guys wouldve had no fight, 0 kills for both of you. But i dont blame you. You play like every new tryhard that mc war has now. Prince Shine is an old player. He plays like an old player = Less camping.
    Oct 16, 2015