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Staff Team

Our staff team is a dedicated to keeping the games functioning smoothly. They answer questions, discipline players, and work to upkeep and improve the games.

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SMOD RejeqtedMOD WrongerboxDEV 915SMOD ShellvinOWNER katneoOWNER Kelpre_MOD JengarSMOD anemoiaMOD BirdeesADMIN ZaidADMIN GeneralGiganJMOD vetekakaOWNER PhobiaADMIN MiskeyMOD yupperrSMOD ProfessorARDADMIN KnockbackSladeADMIN SoullessAngel_OWNER mariojudah7SMOD b0squetDEV AtumADMIN MutantDEV sjuka_legogubbarOWNER SoCool21SMOD FoodcourtOWNER _MightyHeadADMIN CultOWNER Noir_Shadow_OWNER whisper58OWNER ayayronVOWNER Charlie_0014ADMIN WittcherryADMIN WayfindrSMOD EmittADMIN ZunxiJMOD zodiac_chillerJMOD XaGod22SMOD CardonationADMIN TTIP

Build Team

These players are responsible for the awesome maps you see on Brawl. They are very good at placing blocks!

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BUILDER madartist0BUILDER quinox_BUILDER overneo

Media Team

These players create all the cool content for Brawl. From montages, trailers, to game art.

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MEDIA Noir_Shadow_

Wiki Team

These players are dedicated to documenting the ins and outs of Brawl and every game. Have you viewed the wiki yet?