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Minecraft "Pirate Bay" timelapse - World Edit terrain

Minecraft "Pirate Bay" timelapse - World Edit terrain
  1. TheRedEngineer
    With the camera studio mod.
    Mar 19, 2015
  2. Koru
    How do you film something like that :V
    Jan 26, 2015
  3. TheRedEngineer
    If you mean the bottom of the sea, i used a brush.
    Example: //brush s 35%3,22%12,8%13,15%18:4,20%82 2
    and after you have to use a mask to mask only the bottom: //mask 3,12,13,18,82,1
    Jan 26, 2015
  4. porker5
    Amazing! Loved it

    You need to show me how you did the gravel sand thing at bottom so some of my builds can be faster instead of placing every block. :P
    Jan 25, 2015
  5. TheRedEngineer
    :D thanks !
    Jan 25, 2015