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[Mc-WarZ] OCE: #21 - Here

[Mc-WarZ] OCE: #21 - Here
  1. RedBoa131
    Feb 14, 2016
  2. BuddyCroooock
    Feb 8, 2016
    So since he got 2 kills, a leather and a double Barret on a 3/4ths, it's good? Doesn't really show much skill. Also, can you please not make 90% of the video the intro? It's a waste of time. You could do a slow fade in or something like that, but the intro really doesn't suit it.
    Feb 7, 2016
  4. WarSkater
    it's hard to see the actual kill
    Feb 7, 2016
  5. RedBoa131
    If you watch Participated's full montage, you will see that he killed Sn4x5 in full leather. So it was good. Plus it was the longest clip he had so I could edit with.
    Feb 6, 2016