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Brawl Games - Minecraft Server Network

  1. Lavah
    so true
    Jul 27, 2016
  2. Eil
    Oops - Forgot to mention one other thing. There was a glitch on SPvP where you couldn't kill PvP loggers. This meant people could log mid-PvP fight and they would be 100% safe. This glitch, despite being complained about for ages, took 9 MONTHS to fix! It did actually get to the point that I saw putty on once... and actually told him the glitch personally, told him what was causing it - Fixed in 3 minutes. If only they had done that months earlier.
    Jul 25, 2016
  3. Eil
    Totally agree with the staff part - They aren't dedicated enough in my opinion. I get bored on Brawl quite easily now, which it didn't used to be and its all because they take so long to fix glitches, they don't fix things that need fixing, and change things that don't need changing - The changes made to WildWest (Changes made by Lord_Roke) dropped average player counts from 80 to 30. We are slowly getting the changes reversed, but its took late, the player count is gone.

    Jul 25, 2016
  4. UnlockedUsername
    I think Smods/Admins/Coders need to see this video ASAP, because this is useful for them.
    Jul 25, 2016
  5. Paul
    Very good video, 10/10
    Jul 25, 2016