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Brawl Games - Minecraft Server Network

  1. Miller
    All it depends on is:
    1. How fast your reaction time is.
    2. You're ping/Fps.
    3. Equipment that you use, e.g. Mouse, keyboard.

    The argument isn't how fast it is, the argument is what is the best to use. For example with scrolling you have more of a variety of where to put you're guns and food.
    Apr 13, 2015
  2. Mxj_
    It is really all about ping with how fast the guns fire. In my opinion, it is mainly about aim so most of your shots hit.
    Apr 13, 2015
  3. NathanDrake
    Some people have different mouses/keyboards than you though :/
    Apr 13, 2015
  4. GlobalistCuck
    This is the most moronic test I've ever seen...
    1. This is on a practice server, they may have a different plugin for comboing
    2. Human error. Just because you can scroll and hotkey at the same speed, doesn't mean it's like that for everyone else.
    Apr 13, 2015
  5. Slovakoko
    There's been a few arguments in ts channels about which one's faster. I had some time so I made this.
    Apr 12, 2015