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Comments on Profile Post by ObamaTheReptile

  1. patriq
    Well, it's pretty clear people use it for an advantage in game, I just didn't personally see any gain from it for my own experience. You make a valid point, though I don't believe it's required to understand why someone is hacking(I know I may be wrong but that is how I see it) over being able to clearly identify someone is hacking. I will look into it more, thank you for your feedback!
    Sep 20, 2016
  2. ObamaTheReptile
    It's not a requirement, but it shows extremely clear inexperience with the game and with the community. Plus, why change what you mean for your mod app? It's good enough to say that "I felt like hacking wasn't right" or "I didn't find it entertaining or interesting;" there's no need to pretend like you legitimately don't understand why people hack.
    Sep 20, 2016
  3. ObamaTheReptile
    It comes as a negative thing for you, and it hurts more when you then directly contradict what you said about it.
    Sep 20, 2016
  4. patriq
    My apologies, I should have looked more into that response and alternative understandings of my answers. I'll keep that in mind for if I plan on applying for other things in the future.
    Sep 20, 2016