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Comments on Profile Post by NathanDrake

  1. SoMuchWinning
    What ban-worthy things am I doing?
    Dec 12, 2016
  2. NathanDrake
    Constantly creating flame wars, duplicate threads about the same topic which are pretty much you just ranting about the same topic in everyone of them, being rude and disrespectful to other members of the forums.
    Dec 13, 2016
    meltingangel likes this.
  3. NathanDrake
    You should have been banned from strikes by now at least. Obviously the staff are just worried about what the other anti-Trump people will do if they ban you.
    Dec 13, 2016
    meltingangel likes this.
  4. SoMuchWinning
    I'd like to see sufficient proof of me "creating flame wars", "duplicate threads" and "being rude to other members". If you have nothing but accusations, I will invest my time elsewhere.
    Dec 13, 2016
  5. NathanDrake
  6. SoMuchWinning
    All of these posts were made in off-topic section of the forums and are not in violation of forums rules. I have not named any specific users in these threads and you are entitled to your own opinion. If you are easily offended by these posts, get off the internet.
    Dec 13, 2016