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Comments on Profile Post by EmperorTrump45

  1. EmperorTrump45
    considering that you were almost accepted last time, and were only denied (after an absurd period of time) for low-ish activity it doesn't seem fair that you get this much heat over a joke ign... which isn't even your ign anymore
    Sep 20, 2017
    oFire likes this.
  2. EmperorTrump45
    Especially since gehenna_beam was making latino prostitute jokes and preaching his warped version of the gospel, *while he was staff* in discord, slack, and on brawl forums.

    I can't remember him ever being demoted for that and, I assume, he wasn't warned either.
    Sep 20, 2017
    SoCool21 and oFire like this.
  3. oFire
    i agree with you, thanks.
    Sep 20, 2017
  4. EmperorTrump45
    I would also like to mention that Snail is calling you immature, over '420BlazeIt', when his avatar is literally nyan cat
    Sep 20, 2017
    oFire likes this.
  5. oFire
    Especially the faze/optic meme, so recently yknow and they didn't really get any heat for it
    Sep 20, 2017
  6. EmperorTrump45
    to each his own... but it'd be a huge shame to see this app denied after another long wait over a harmless ign
    Sep 20, 2017
    oFire likes this.
  7. EmperorTrump45
    exactly ^^. Considering that the staff team makes memes on a regular basis, why not be chill about a memey ign?
    Sep 20, 2017
    oFire likes this.