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Comments on Profile Post by xGhale

  1. FearTheDoggos
    I got staff by working with people who actually care about the server and contribute to it. Unlike chilled.
    Apr 24, 2018
  2. FearTheDoggos
    Chilled is the only person who I am upset with or flaming in any way. I don't really see why you have such an issue with it lol.
    Apr 24, 2018
  3. xGhale
    You're excessively rude to people who make mistakes and yet don't conceed your own. That's my problem. It's people like you or tallcsot who piss me off because they think they're helping Brawl by being pissy and offensive to anyone who doesn't share their direct opinion
    Apr 25, 2018
  4. FearTheDoggos
    I disagree. I am not being "Pissy" and "offensive" to anyone who doesn't share my direct opinion. I am sticking up for my FRIEND @Eikaru who almost got denied because chilled was being a dick.
    Apr 25, 2018
  5. FearTheDoggos
    As I said before, I am done being a retard and I already stopped :-: no need to bring up stuff that's not happening anymore. I already admitted 100000000 times that I was being a retard and an idiot xD How much more do you want?
    Apr 25, 2018
  6. Champloo
    Well you ''sticking up'' for Eikaru might come off as flaming, and its really not necessary I think.
    Apr 25, 2018
  7. FearTheDoggos
    No, it is not necessary, but at least I admit it. Not once have I said its right for me to flame him, but I still think he deserves it. He's trying to pretend nothing happened.
    Apr 25, 2018
  8. Champloo
    Oh well, as long as you dont break the rules I guess
    Apr 25, 2018
  9. FearTheDoggos
    Hmm well I will probably end up getting forums banned again xD I just noticed that chilled is still considering himself a ****ing ww mod. I posted a little erm vulgar message on his profile :V
    Apr 25, 2018
  10. FearTheDoggos
    Just reading back through all of this and holy **** I was actually retarded.
    Nov 24, 2018
  11. xGhale
    ecks dee
    Nov 24, 2018