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Comments on Profile Post by Droiid

  1. FearTheDoggos
    Only 1.5k members ): The forums was just released as well as a server for it, we have an average of about 400+ players on xD But the devs are **** and we are leaving it and making a new server. Will be much better. We found a much better coder as well as a newer staff team.
    Apr 24, 2018
    Droiid likes this.
  2. FearTheDoggos
    once the next pit update comes out, we will probably hit 2.5k members tho
    Apr 24, 2018
  3. Droiid
    oh nice! gl with that, check back on ww sometime if you get unbanned : P lots of updates in store
    Apr 24, 2018
  4. FearTheDoggos
    Yeah! I've been looking forwards to them for about 2 years xD
    Apr 24, 2018
  5. Droiid
    well we have stuff planned, id love seeing it added. Hopefully it doesn't remain an idea and is implemented
    Apr 24, 2018
  6. FearTheDoggos
    Yeah, that would be amazing XD I loved even the very few things that nafsu you mafias and the others had come up with and I only heard like 1 or two things. WildWest will be a much better place if they actually listen to you guys.
    Apr 26, 2018
    FatMurray likes this.
  7. FearTheDoggos
    and if they keep me banned xd
    (Don't want toxic idiots there )
    Apr 26, 2018
    FatMurray likes this.