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Comments on Profile Post by MoistMayonnaise

  1. Colonel_Graff
    Very much considered. I have a ton of stuff irl to deal with but will likely make a decision in the next week or two. Thanks for writing!
    Aug 3, 2019
    19Cameron91 and MoistMayonnaise like this.
  2. MoistMayonnaise
    Have you decided yet :(
    Aug 28, 2019
    Colonel_Graff likes this.
  3. Colonel_Graff
    Sorry I had a weird month IRL involving my health issues, my wife’s health issues, layoffs at my work, and raiding my retirement to deal with a financial issue.

    However I’m all good now, and interested. Feel free to PM me for next steps and thanks for following up.
    Aug 28, 2019
    xGhale and MoistMayonnaise like this.
  4. MoistMayonnaise
    Honestly it is rather simple, just fill out the application
    I believe you can get staff without a doubt in my mind.
    Glad to hear you are alright, irl comes before in game of course, and hope that everything stays fine. I wish you best of luck and know you will be an outstanding staff member
    Aug 29, 2019