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Comments on Profile Post by Trogy

  1. xGhale
    Wasn't a fan of you just, well, slinking off when you were SMod, also heard a few rumours that you abused as a JMod. The fact that they're unconfirmed doesn't make them any more legitimate but they seemed substantiated.
    Apr 22, 2020
  2. Trogy
    Abused as a Jmod..? Would you mind elaborating
    Apr 22, 2020
  3. xGhale
    This is from years ago and out of memory - people claimed you would regularly assist with teamfights while spectating. I don't think you'd do something this nutty tbh but it did come from a person who was relatively reliable.
    Apr 22, 2020
  4. Trogy
    JMODs don’t even have /vanish though. :V
    Apr 22, 2020
    SoCool21 likes this.