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Comments on Profile Post by SoullessAngel_

  1. featherpaw
    *Distant waking up noises* "5 more mins...." lol
    Apr 30, 2021
  2. SoullessAngel_
    Awe cmon
    Apr 30, 2021
  3. featherpaw
    How've you been? Seems like things have been good over on Brawl?
    Apr 30, 2021
  4. SoullessAngel_
    I came back in January, got back on the staff team pretty rapidly. Lots of real life stuff changed.
    May 1, 2021
  5. SoullessAngel_
    Been pretty rough without going into too much detail and been playing some different games to vent some frustration
    May 1, 2021
  6. featherpaw
    That's good, then. Take some time for you, boy. I'm sure you work hard and deserve it. Things changed a lot for me too. Got a big girl job and have a house now. Lots of work to do xD
    Congrats on staff so quickly!
    May 2, 2021
  7. SoullessAngel_
    Late ass reply but yeah same boat here, except work pays for my living situation and might lose that soon. Hopefully catch you on raid sometime.
    May 7, 2021