then i left to join nani then left to join htz then left to join mcbb then left to make a clan called iws then rejoined mcbb then remade era
you probably donated for memberships even more because you a lv 100+ with like 100k kills most 100+ have x2 that
LOL so you don't know about that old clan DAW had over 750 members and you don kno it cuz you weren't there at the time
i dint even respond to that thread XD ps check the mojang copyright archive if they have a website any more
don't think you would stiff be a *** but you are what you are you use to be like i can do whatever the **** i want i use flamethrower in tdm and law in infect
i nuke with skully, lemman, dissa, msr, iso, and dragunov :P *turns into a convo about who nuked with what guns*
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