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Comments on Profile Post by Jaemzs

  1. Emas
    Hes messages are helpfull
    Mar 2, 2015
  2. Jaemzs
    Ok, +0. Thanks!
    Mar 2, 2015
  3. x38
    Now that I've looked over my application a couple times, I do realize that I repeated my self a couple times, I will fix that :D thanks for the info!
    Mar 2, 2015
  4. x38
    Yes, I may not have many post on the Mcbrawl forums, but I am on all the time so I would count my self as active. My most helpful post are listed in the "Intro" section on the forums, I provide players with a helpful link at which can make them stay out of trouble, I also say "If you have any questions, Pm me through TeamSpeak, Forums, or in game!". Sadly, post do not count in the Intro section DX
    Mar 2, 2015
  5. Jaemzs
    Ok, Now that i see you're application is fixed. Now you have My +1! That took a while :/ xD
    Mar 2, 2015