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Glitch Horse race glitch (and how to fix it)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by featherpaw, Jun 29, 2017.

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  1. featherpaw

    featherpaw Your friendly neighborhood kitten! :3

    Aug 16, 2015
    Hey brawlers. Recently on party, because of the higher player count (which is amazing, so don't mistake this for me being upset about it in any way) one or two players can accidently glitch through the barrier stopping all others from beginning the race. I'm sure this isn't their fault, but because the rule of glitching isn't very well-known among partiers, they continue the race even before the race begins. I have two solutions to this. Either one will work, but both require coding (@Purest_).

    The first is to go onto the map and move the barrier forward one or two blocks. This would then require a dev to reset the location event of the glass so the code will delete it accordingly. This requires more planning of a team instead of a single person, so personally I would like the second one better.

    The second one is strictly code-based and would require a dev to simply move the spawn point backwards one or two blocks. This doesn't require teamwork, so it would be a lot faster.
  2. DaddyPurest

    DaddyPurest Ex-Party Mod

    Oct 3, 2015
    Thank you feather for bringing this up here, I'll make sure to bring it up and hopefully get the problem resolved soon!
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