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Story Outlaw Nation

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Charlie_0014, Aug 28, 2018.

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  1. Charlie_0014

    Charlie_0014 Build & BT Overlord, Party Sub-Overlord

    Mar 19, 2016
    Since no one’s posted any literature this month, here’s an story I wrote for English class last year. Note that all names are made up.

    Outlaw Nation​

    The year is 2035, and world tensions have been high, especially between Russia and the U.S. We, the board of directors (BOD) of The Charlie Schott Industrial Enterprises, (CI)(C - Industries) are in the largest Charlie Schott Corporate Militia (CSCM) base (which is in Colorado) protected from the war. The superpower nations are at the verge of war, and it will break out soon. I am Charlie Schott CEO, and sole owner of C - Industries, and this is my point of view.

    Today is Friday, February 28, the war broke out two weeks ago. Istanbul, New York, Paris, and Volgograd were the latest victims. Eastern Europe and Northern Africa are the only "protected" areas, since all countries participating in the war have forces occupying those places. Two years go by, as we hide in our mountain, and the death lists get bigger every day, and the destruction is worse. The end of civilization is here, and we get to clean it all up. Radiation levels seem fine, so we are opening the doors today and checking the damage level. The team sent to Denver stated the city was gone but there was no nuclear damage. The outer complex is destroyed along with our planes home. Denver International Airport was intact and had airplanes. There's our ride home; the BOD and I took off and arrived in New Orleans.

    New Orleans is in ruins, and there are low levels of radioactive particles. Several fires are active; therefore, either people could still alive or bombings have recently occurred, which could be bad. Either way, it smells terrible. The city streets are clear of vehicles, which could mean an evacuation occurred, and could mean survivors. The company's capital area (C - Industries, Louisiana) has been obliterated and 50 billion dollars gone. After a week, one the scouting parties found a group of people. They seemed like good people.

    The air is cooling and becoming winter, and the rage of the city's fires can still be seen and heard at night. I am joining in a scouting trip to scout out the rest of the country. Several areas, including Orlando, Florida and Boston, Massachusetts are untouched and have people living in them, of course the rest of the group will not let me go in Disney World. I am declaring the trip a bust. The people we are finding are nice, not so nice, and/or definitely not trusting. A few days later, we arrive near the New York/Canadian border. A large group outside of what was Buffalo, New York sends their scouts by us and they keep firing random gunshots around us to scare us off. They were successful in scaring us off. When we got home to New Orleans our camp is expanded, but also looks like it was attacked.

    The "scavengers" as we call them attacked the base and killed ten people in a bloody fight. I was told they came with seven armored pickup trucks and forty men. This group claimed to be the "White Wrath". The groups fought an immensely hard fight lasting about three hours. Several fire bombs and cannon shot residue remained and our walls had greatly suffered.

    Within the next week, the White Wrath group are attacking again with almost double the force. They have several fire bombs and eight cannons. There is lots of gunfire and explosions. The battle lasted about four hours. Large amounts of damage have been done. Our forces held them back, but we lost another five people.

    The next day the BOD drove to Mobile, Alabama, where a C - Industries conference should be, luckily it is mostly in-tack. Most of the conference room is together, but there is a good size hole in the wall. We had a large debate on whether to stay in New Orleans or move to Boston. I opened the meeting by saying, "We need to move to Boston to stay safe." Several people objected stating, "Boston is unsafe due to the unexploded nuke!" Well, they're out of luck because we're going to Boston. The next day we got in the airplanes.

    After a long and miserable flight to Boston, I mean really miserable. I complained,"why did they have to take one of the two engine planes from Denver and not one of the four engine planes, ridiculous. They crazy." When we finally landed, the first priority was to get the nuke out, so we did that, we put it on a boat out at sea. Most of the city has a working society, with electricity and running water. They do not have much security, so they are very welcoming to our force.

    We are trying to get farmland and expand our base to new territory. Every expansion takes a while to scout out and build the new wall section. Most of the groups we found are somewhat welcoming to this new law, but it takes getting used to.

    The southern groups are not very nice and taking over those territories is very costly. The outer areas of our lands are constantly under attack by this southern group called the "Red Hand". They are an insane group who bash people's heads in and lay them in the middle of the roads still alive. Back up north the Buffalo people are continuing to resist, and they are even more insane. At least they kill their victims when they're done. Around their camp area, we continuously see the body parts of their victims spread around their place. As we were attempting to invade, the little cowards ran across the Peace Bridge in Buffalo between the U.S. and Canada.

    With the new expansions of our empire, we are currently attempting to develop farms, but they are not doing very well. The rest of the expansions are doing well. The army has reached the Mississippi River and is holding there. The U.S. Army has also retaken most of the U.S. lands west of the river. Canada has retaken their territories. Of course the U.S. politicians expect us to just hand over the half of the country we took. Na, I will have to pass on that.

    We have reconnected with the rest of the world by getting a plane to Berlin, the only major city left in Europe, which has formed the European Union. They claim the remains of Russia and China combined to for The Nationalist Nation, Chad and India built empires, and Greenland and Australia claim to now be "Safe Zones, 'where you can be safe from the world." We needed a name, so since we kicked out the U.S, you could call us, "The Outlaw Nation."

    Thanks for reading.
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