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Revival of MC-War #MCWarComeback

Discussion in 'MC-War' started by Warrey, Nov 5, 2019.


How should we bring back War?

  1. Solution 1: Legacy

    25 vote(s)
  2. Solution 2: Gun edits

    9 vote(s)
  3. None of the solutions.

    6 vote(s)
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Please be aware that this thread is more than 30 days old. Do not post unless the topic can still be discussed. Read more...
  1. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    Hey! My name is Warrey which is my current account and I have played MC-War since 2013 on "elias_super and "emlego" and as you might know there are currently no one playing MC-War. In this thread I will look into how the guns work and how we can possibly change something in order to get new players and gather old players.

    Me and staff member @Havai looked into how the guns are currently working and how we can change them so fights do not become awkward and also easier for new players to learn. If you're an old player you probably have played the twin gamemode of MC-War called MC-WarZ and on there the guns are just like legacy MC-War.
    As a of now the current guns do not work at all, it is way too hard for new players to learn since the bullets are smaller which makes it even harder to practice your aim to get decent. 10 minute matches playing with a shotgun on the same map compared to legacy when the matches were shorter and you could switch guns easier and get to know them better as well as improving your aim and stats.

    First of we are going to begin at how MC-War guns worked on Legacy back in the days;
    Brawl video example by @Giggadream

    Okay so that was back then when you were able to do these insane tricks. Let us take a look at the current guns;
    Yeah if you shoot one inch from the head it will not land. This in my opinion and many other new players I've spoken to causes frustration which leads to them leaving, it's not only that. It is mainly because of long matches and not finding it fun. An example of that is "I shot at him" "Why are the fights so awkward and take so long?". However, I decided to also add how the MC-WarZ is working and has worked since it began in 2013 because of its similarity to MC-War legacy guns;


    Okay so now we've looked at the comparing part and we have now moved on to the solution part where I will personally try to fix these problems because I miss MC-War, especially legacy which I believe a lot of players do to and unlike MC-WarZ this is a gamemode that is easy to learn for beginners which I believe is able to do a comeback on. I Call it #MCWarComeback.

    Solution 1: We bring back MC-War Legacy completely.

    Solution 2: We do a rework of the guns, fixing the range so it is like legacy guns at least.

    Or maybe you have your own opinion and idea. Maybe as a staff there is a good reason to why the new war was added and why the guns are as they are.

    Bu there is one thing that we need to do in order to bring players back including new players and that is yeah, the players. If you look at this Gyazo there are a lot of people with around 1000-10000 subscribers who is ready to advertise for a cheap prize. Imagine just 30 players getting back to the game or even 100? There is a high possibility and for you oldies I know this has been tried before and not worked but who says it won't work this time? Minecraft has a new generation of players which is currently playing on other big servers that they find online which was the case back in the days when we had 20000 players on Brawl and I know that recently MC-WarZ has gotten a lot of money which could be used as reviving, #MCWarComeback!

    Thank you so much for reading and please add a Yes/No in the poll and come with your own idea and tweaks.
    - Warrey
    • ELITE Honor ELITE Honor x 3
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    #1 Warrey, Nov 5, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
  2. Snail_5_

    Snail_5_ Switched Accounts "Phobia"

    Aug 20, 2013
    As much as I'd hate to say it, Legacy will not be making any return. I've tried to insist on at least temporarily bringing it back, but it has been decided upon above my authority to leave it be. This is due mainly because of the terrible code. To put it blunt, legacy was (code-wise) a piece of trash, and nothing can be done about it. However, myself and a few of the other staff members have looked into modifying the gun mechanics to closer resemble legacy's, and it's something we hope to implement, or at least try out in the near future. The only issue we lack otherwise is someone to put out these changes for us, since we currently lack a developer for War.
    • Like Like x 3
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  3. tallscot

    tallscot sceptiiiiiii

    Aug 4, 2013
    literally it just needs to be war 2.0 with 1.0 gun mechanics. that's all that needs to happen to make the game enjoyable.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Lekosa1

    Lekosa1 mineman

    Sep 26, 2014
    In your example when you shot the player’s left side your crosshair was aiming at air so it shouldn’t have hit the player in the first place. When you shot the player’s right side, it damaged the player because the bullets were coming in in an angle. Yes, I know that in Legacy either way would’ve killed the player, but what you showed in that clip caters to realism.

    Having said this, I however have a clip proving your argument, but with shots better showcasing the problem to those who thought the same way as above.

    I don’t have any input on the thread as I didn’t read it, but decided to expand on this particular point.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    Yeah, that’s a way better example right there which shows how confused new players get. That’s is why we need to do a rework of the guns in order to make it enjoyable. We also need to increase the player amount by advertising since legacy is too hard adding back by some reason.
  6. Champloo

    Champloo Guest

    People who voted for Legacy are only basing it on nostalgia. If you played Legacy after the release of 2.0 you would see how bland Legacy is in comparison to 2.0, especially with a low playercount. I think the best solution would be, like Tallscot said, to add the Legacy guns to 2.0.
  7. RedDragonLP

    RedDragonLP Active Member

    Oct 26, 2013
    I really enjoyed mc-war back in 2013 and 2014. I do like war 2.0 but the guns need to be reworked.
    If the guns are like in warz the gamemode should get his revival, I am damn sure about that.
  8. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    Thanks! With a gun rework we could possibly get MC-War going again, @Snail_5_ forward this!
  9. jango_bob

    jango_bob ᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼᲼

    Aug 5, 2015
    i brought this up before but...

    replacing 2.0 guns with the 1.0 guns would be amazing!

    we should also bring back FpsHG!
  10. Prouddyyy

    Prouddyyy Marketing

    Aug 22, 2014
    Wars issues have been brought a lot of times in staff chat, legacy coming back probably the most and even a possible event, like snail said legacy is broken in terms of code, it will be a short period of a small glory again (as without a doubt a lot of people have moved on, so I wouldn’t be surprised seeing 30 people max at a relaunch or at least 30 people max after a few days of the launch) after that it will get dull again, the pay2win lack of updates etc.

    I thoroughly believe that people want legacy back because they think it’s better (which it is only in gun mechanics) but I think the underlying reason is, that we just want to have the “good old times back” full servers with tons of players being 11 years old no homework, stress “adult stuff” etc. Sad thing is that I personally think we will not ever see such things come back.

    Before I left the staff team, like snail said, a rework of the mechanics was discussed, Idk the progress on this but, again, like snail said, we don’t have the developer for this.

    WarZ was easier to revive as it didn’t require much coding work, but rather small tweaks and bigger map updates which just requires building, (map updates have been proven to not be very effective in the past for war) War is in terms of code in 2.0 quite broken as well, I don’t mean like it’s a bad code but the mechanics and so many other glitches just require a lot of dev work which we don’t have a developer for. Unless a new developer can come in and be specifically assigned to develop war, I don’t see a war revival become an absolute succes.

    That doesn’t mean that I don’t encourage you to go on with this and maybe get stuff done for real. I mean I kinda wish war was alive as I used to be, but I personally see the chances to be very small.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    I get what you’re saying and you’re talking about reality here which always comes first. My revival will be more of a small one me bringing players on to the game to see it alive, but before that it would be amazing with new guns. However who were the previous war developer? Cannot @redslime take a look at it and then try to change something if possible if he’s not too busy with CTF?

    Proudy, you’re still engaged even tho you’re not staff. What I believe the main problem here is engagement. A lot of SMODs and MODs are very active, but none of you have actual power. You can talk about change, but when is it coming? At the end of the day it’s all about Putty, isn’t it?
  12. RedDragonLP

    RedDragonLP Active Member

    Oct 26, 2013
    Why dont you guys just take War down until you'll find a developer. You could release any other game mode like fpsHG or WildWest (Which alot of ppl loved) or maybe even normal HG. When I left Brawl there where so many unique gamemodes which brought all the players to brawl. In my eyes brawl is nothing special anymore. You need more NEW gamemodes, or the old ones who everyone loved back.
  13. Champloo

    Champloo Guest

    That's the dumbest thing you could do, the game still works but the guns aren't as accurate as they should be.
  14. Prouddyyy

    Prouddyyy Marketing

    Aug 22, 2014
    right now redslime is busy with a lot of things and war is not a top priority. Regarding putty I know putty wants to stick with war because it is why Brawl initially grew on. We were considering closing down war untill we had the resources and developer(s) to fix it but putty said no.

    regarding power, I personally believed that as an smod I had plenty of “power” or how I would prever to put it, a voice that was heard. And opinions I had were definitely considered.
  15. RedDragonLP

    RedDragonLP Active Member

    Oct 26, 2013
    No one is playing it at the moment. I was not talking about to delete it completly, just shut the servers down for war until brawl has a dev which can recode it and fix the bugs and glitches.
  16. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    Thank you for making that clear to me. Is there anything else I can do than bringing players from other servers to war? I mean at the moment we need to make sure someone fix the guns. But at the meantime maybe I can try and motivate other staff members to make change and get involved in gun changes?

    That’s a really good video if we ever bring Legacy back! It would be amazing to show that to players. Imagine if you made that but instead show new MC-War? Much love, - Warrey
    #16 Warrey, Nov 8, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  17. Prouddyyy

    Prouddyyy Marketing

    Aug 22, 2014
    we’ve had great moments of getting together and getting some changes in the gun values not per say the mechanics but that was as far as we got. These gun changes barely held up the player count, the game needs to get fixed before getting players back because the game is broken to the point the lobby glitches every 5 games, people somehow get killed by their own predator missile now, etc. The list is very long and to get a developer on that is going to be a lot of work for the developer (which has to of course get paid and more importantly be found). Hence why I said earlier that I see the chances be rather slim cause for war to get a revival we really need support of multiple higher ups and I mean people that are admin+. And even if they do its still a bit of a gamble as it could fail and be wasted money.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    Okay so first of putty needs to hire a developer which will then fix the guns and lobby glitches including all the examples I put in the thread, correct? After that I will make sure new players from different servers comes and then it will be up to the staff team where they want the money to be spent.
    • Like Like x 2
  19. rmure

    rmure Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    Unfortunately you can't revive War. You could fix the hitreg. You could dig up the old legacy code and put everyone back into iso trickshot spam. You could put everyone's legacy stats into 2.0. Nothing will work because the one thing that kept War alive in 2013-2015 was the strong playerbase.

    We had advertising from very popular youtubers back in 2013. Got a jolt of new players that lasted about 2 years. That jolt is gone, and since late 2015 the player count has dropped substantially, from about 2,000ish players to 70. And those players aren't returning any time soon. The members who stuck around and made this server into what it was back in 2013 and 2014 are mostly long gone.

    Brawl is dead and so is Minecraft's server aspect. The most you see involving Minecraft nowadays is either singleplayer or realms. Brawl fits neither of those.
  20. Warrey

    Warrey Former WarZ Staff

    Oct 10, 2019
    It’s 10 year anniversary this year and since Minecraft is the biggest game of all time it should be able to get players. I’m not searching for 1000 people who is online daily like it used to be in 2013. I’m happy for around 30 daily players which is easy to gather. Think of this @rmure as a fresh restart of everything, of a new generation of players. Since this game had 2000 players it is possible to have that amount again which it had. I think it’s important to revive this game since MC-WarZ is going really good right know economically and player wise. It’s the end for you but the beginning for a couple new players? I’ve seen the rise of this game as well as the fall so I think my calculations hopefully should work.
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