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Idea Changing airdrops

Discussion in 'MC-WarZ' started by Usp45, May 3, 2020.

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  1. Usp45

    Usp45 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    Right now, there is very little incentive to find airdrops. They automatically spawn once a certain player count is on the server, but they are often very far away and their very low chance of good loot makes them completely not worth the time it takes to run there and get them. In addition, if they are looted, there is literally almost ALWAYS a long (20-40 minute) cool down for the airdrop to be placed. Because of this, I have two suggestions:

    1. Airdrops should spawn guaranteed full diamond armor + guns (and a chance of getting better loot like event guns, enchanted diamond, etc.) to make them more viable
    2. Airdrop timers should not exist. They are rare enough to loot as it is, and having a large cool down just ruins them.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Yupper

    Yupper A big bot on warz ❤️

    Nov 16, 2014
    2/4 with chestplate, 3/4 or full d would be fine as armor in my opinion, but there should be barret spas every time and then randomize uzi, ak, p90 and m10 as 3rd gun, and then sometimes a special gun with 2 stacks ammo and nothing else, cuz they're pretty op when u have enough ammo to it.
  3. Ritzy

    Ritzy Est. 2014
    Retired Staff

    Jun 14, 2014
    Guarenteed 3/4 would be more advisable tbh. However I do completely agree with this, hopefully with the recent changes they should be easier to place.
  4. Squidward

    Squidward BEST WARZ SMOD NO KAPPA (ง'̀-'́)ง

    Jul 29, 2016
    I suggested 3/4th of any piece, you could get helm chest and boots, etc. all combinations with a chance at full d but I definitely agree that they need changing. The timer recently got changed and more airdrops have been put down as well.
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