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Brawl Holidays Mini-Event

Discussion in 'Sponsored Events' started by Phobia, Dec 11, 2020.

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  1. Phobia

    Phobia Former Staff, Mc-War, & Skyblock Manager

    Feb 4, 2015

    Happy holidays Brawlers! As we approach that time of the year, what better way to celebrate than all together with an event! 5 years ago I joined the staff team on Christmas eve, only to have my time as a staff member introduced by an event that I wouldn't forget! In honor of that, along with @Rhos, I would like to invite everyone to join us for our Holiday Get-Together & Games!

    « What »

    Parkour, King of the Ladder, Spleef,
    General hang out and good time <3

    Prizes will be given out to event winners and randomly
    to players throughout the event!

    « Where »


    « When »

    Sunday 27 at 3PM EST

    I look forward to seeing everyone there! Happy holidays!
    - Brawl Staff Team
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