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Block War

Apr 10, 2021
Block War
  • Block War
    In this minigame, you're tasked with grabbing as much territory for yourself as possible before time runs out. In the beginning of the game, you will be given a specific block. Hold left click on the ground to take over territory. The player with the most points when the timer ends wins.

    Game Tips

    • Place over player's blocks to subtract from their points!
    • Hold down the left mouse button, it's much easier than clicking fast.
    • Remember that other players can place their blocks over your blocks as well!
    • Shaking your head from side to side can help give you extra points.

    • Paint Gun
      • Rank Required: Rosalina
      • Price: 40 Coins
    • Speed Boost - Give yourself a quick speed boost!
      • Rank Required: Rosalina
      • Price: 40 Coins