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Apr 16, 2017

  • [​IMG]
    Kits and the Kit Rotation

    A kit is essentially a set of equipment given to a player at the start of the game. Each kit is unique, giving the user specific abilities and items to assist them in winning the Hardcore Games. Kits can range from being able to cultivate land instantly (Cultivator) to singling out opponents (Gladiator). In total, there are 121 different kits that can be used.

    The Kit Rotation
    The Hardcore Games does not have a set of free kits available to all players right from the start. The Kit Rotation is the cycling of kits that are made free to players at set intervals of time. This way, players have a chance to play new kits over time once the old free kits have been swapped out. Donating to the servers increases the amount of kits available a player can in a rotation.

    To select a kit, players can right click on the chest in their hotbar. The kit selection GUI will then open up:


    Players can select and use any kit they currently own or are in rotation.

    The owned kits page looks like this:


    Players can also select a kit by using the command /kit [kitname].

    Players can see the description of the kit when hovering over them.

    Buying Kits
    You can buy kits by clicking the Blaze Powder in the main kit selection GUI. Each kit costs credits, with each kit costing a different amount. More information about credits and how they function can be viewed on the Credits page.


    Kits can be bought individually. Once bought, they will become permanently available without having to worry about them being rotated out at the Brawl Shop. Global Ranks also expand on the amount of kits available to a player per rotation. Donating to the Brawl Servers can be done here.

    VIPs have access to 3 extra kits per rotation.
    MVPs have access 5 extra kits per rotation.
    ELITEs have access to all kits as well as a early access preview to new kits.

    Kits that become availabe to VIPs and MVPs change every rotation, but some kits may stay for the next rotation.

    If a player with MVP/ELITE dies within 5 minutes of the game starting, they can respawn. However, he will lose all the kit items, leaving only his or her compass in their inventory.