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Mar 10, 2017
  • Hub Tools

    Whilst in the hub the players inventory will contain many useful tools to navigate the brawl servers as well as enjoy themselves. The tools from the hub makes the hub a gamemode itself!

    Game Menu (Compass): This is the server selector, and this will allow you to join a server directly. By right clicking this, you will see a menu in front of your screen displaying War, WarZ, Minecraft Party, Survival Games, Survival Games w/Guns, Minestrike, Survival PvP, Skywars and Creative in that order. By left clicking on any of these, it will bring up the servers for that game, there will be an emerald block if the server is online and a redstone block if it is offline. By right-clicking on any of these, it will connect you to a random server inside of that theme (Ex: Connects you to a random WarZ server when you right click WarZ). By hovering over the block, it will display the amount of players online and the direct address to the server.
    The Game menu also has other features such as Lobby Menu (Clock), this can be used to connect to different lobbies.

    The last feature is the Teleport Menu, this is helpful for navigating your way through the spawn and to find different places. From left to Right is the Spawn Teleport, which teleports you to the spawn. VIP Rank Area, which teleports you to the area for VIP+. MVP Rank Area, which teleports you to the area for MVP+. Finally Elite Area, which teleports you to the area for Elite+.


    Brawl Friends List (Player Head): This item is the friends menu. By right clicking this, it will bring up a menu of your friends list. Here, you can add friends, remove friends, send friend requests, or accept/deny/block friend requests. To add a friend, just type /friend (player name) and they will be added to your friends list successfully if they accept it. You can also request to be a friend with someone by left clicking someone with the head.

    A purple wool block in the friend list will mean that you have requested to be friends with them and they have not accepted it yet. A blue wool block will show that someone wants to be your friend and you can accept by left clicking on the block, or decline it by right clicking. A grey wool block will mean that your friend is not on any Brawl servers at that point in time and a green wool block will mean that that friend is online one of the Brawl servers. You can join that server by left clicking the block of wool. A red block of wool will mean that you have blocked a player from your friends list, you can do this by doing /block and unblock them by doing /unblock. When friends log in to Brawl or your server it will say they joined, this also works if they leave. You can also join your friends server with this message shown. The messages showing can be disabled/enabled by typing /alerts [on/off]

    Cosmetics (Crafting Table): Grants access to the cosmetic menu. Donors can use this feature to spice up their appearance in the hub.

    Brawl Guide (Book): A simple guide to Brawl. It includes important links like the shop, forums, etc. as well as information on all servers.

    Brawl Popper (Bow): A bow that allows you to pop players. To use this, the bow must be fully charged. Also, the player you are trying to pop must be at least 8 blocks from spawn, and they must not be in Brawl Mode. The brawl popper can propel another player into the air if the shot arrow hits them.

    Brawl Mode (Diamond Sword): This is a diamond sword that enables or disables Brawl Mode. You can enable it by holding the sword, and disable it by deselecting the sword. When in Brawl Mode, you receive full diamond armor. Once you are ready, you can find someone else with diamond armor (as this spawns on you when you select the sword) and you can start Brawling! This is also a fun thing to do when you're waiting for something, as there is no worry when someone kills you as nothing will be taken away from you.