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Apr 5, 2017
  • Getting Discord

    There are two ways to get discord up and working on your computer - downloading it, or using it on a browser.

    Download the App
    On PC's / Laptops:
    1) ➟ Visit the Discord Website
    The latest version of Discord will be available for you to download for free via the homepage. To do this click the white "Download for Windows / OSX" panel, from which the application will then begin to download.

    2) ➟ Install the Client
    Once the download is complete, run the setup file to complete the download. The setup process is identical to most software installations. Most users will not need to change any settings during installation.

    On mobile Devices:
    1) ➟ Open up Google Play / App Store / Etc.
    Search for the application "Discord". The application should be free to download, and updated to the newest version.

    2) ➟ Download the App
    Simply press download to download the application.

    Discord on Browser
    1) ➟ Visit the Discord Website
    The top right of the website should have a "login" button. Click on it, and it should redirect you to the login menu.

    2) ➟ Log In
    If you don't have an account, that's okay! At the bottom of the menu, it should say, "Need an account? Register." Click on "Register" to create your own account. Otherwise, fill in your details and login.

    Joining Brawl

    On Clients / Apps:
    Press the "+" sign under all the current servers you have joined. Click "Join a Server", and enter this invite link: https://discordapp.com/invite/Q5ZfcS7?

    On Browsers:
    Simply open a new tab and enter this link: https://discordapp.com/invite/Q5ZfcS7?


    Press the "+" sign under all the current servers you have joined. Click "Join a Server", and enter this invite link: https://discordapp.com/invite/Q5ZfcS7?

    Simple Browser Setup - GIF Recording of easy setup -> Click me