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Dec 23, 2017
  • What is Slack

    Slack is a platform where you can converse with other players in chat channels, as well as send direct messages and create private chat groups. Slack also offers a way to request help from staff members. You can access Slack through your web browser, or you can download the Slack for mobile clients.

    How do I know if a staff member is online?

    There is a circle next to the persons name. If it's empty, they're offline. If it's filled green, they're online! The same thing applies to every other player.

    Can I stay up to date with announcements using Slack?

    Yes! There is an Announcements channel on Slack, which tends to announce smaller things than announcement threads on the forums. Things such as rebooting servers and new Slack updates are some of the many things that you can stay up to date with, which is useful as they are not announcements that you can see on the forums. There is also a twitter bot included, so you can keep up on what's happening with our social media accounts.

    Where can I chat?

    There are quite a few channels designated for chatting with others. This includes the "#casual" and "#random" channels. In the casual channel, you can discuss anything Brawl related, whereas the random channel is great for anything else. If you are accepted into a special non-staff team, they will also have a private chat for that.

    How can I contact staff?

    The great thing about Slack is that users instantly receive messages. Rather than creating a forum PM and waiting for a response, you can directly message an online staff member and ask for assistance. There is a bar on the left side of your screen (mobile users have to tap the Slack icon at the top left hand corner for the bar to appear), and direct messages will be located at the bottom. Click on the "+" button, and search for a staff member who is online. You can also ask for help in the "#support-chat" channel and have staff members as well as knowledgeable members answer your call for help.

    You can join our Slack group by filling out a simple form here: http://www.brawl.com/slack.
    We will be constantly checking for new submissions and inviting everyone who fills out a form.