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Aug 13, 2017
  • [​IMG]

    Vehicles can be used in many different ways - from getting round the map quicker, to running over your opponents. To enter a vehicle, stand next to it and right click. Once you are inside, hold W to move in the direction the vehicle is facing, or use S to reverse. A and D will turn the vehicle left or right, respectively. If you hold down space, the vehicle will move faster.

    When you shoot a vehicle, it will lose health. Once a vehicle has lost all of its health, it'll explode, dealing a large amount of damage to anyone nearby. Vehicles require fuel to run - once a vehicle has used up all of its fuel, it will not move.

    Vehicle Types

    Off-Roader: This vehicle has 70 HP and a fuel capacity of 100.

    ATV: This vehicle has 40 HP and a fuel capacity of 50.

    Pickup Truck: This vehicle has 60 HP and a fuel capacity of 75.

    Police Car: This vehicle has 60 HP and a fuel capacity of 75. It is also faster than other vehicles.