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Squad Majestic 15/25

Discussion in 'Teams' started by Jilin, Mar 31, 2023.

Thread Status:
Please be aware that this thread is more than 30 days old. Do not post unless the topic can still be discussed. Read more...
  1. Jilin

    Jilin Active Member

    Jun 11, 2015
    In light of recent events me and Deplicasus have decided that to open up the thread so everyone is allowed to join MJT as a member or merc

    Have fun

    Now Recruiting:
    MEMBERS: Soldiers, Heavies, Archers, Assassins, Mages and Chemists!
    MERCS: Those who can be active both in game and in Skype.

    About Majestic

    Majestic is a relaxed multi-regional team with members of all ages.
    If you are interested or have any questions, don't hesitate to message a leader or post on the thread.

    Team Requirements:
    - Skype.
    - A sense of humor.
    - An idea about what CTF is would be good.
    - Ability to participate in matches or assist with the team.
    - Active both in game and on Skype

    Team Guidelines:
    - Respect the team members. Excessive swearing or aggressive behavior toward fellow members or mercs will not be tolerated.
    - Inactivity in game or chat without informing the leaders will result in temporary removal until further discussion.
    - Please use links for images in Skype to prevent raging.
    - Excessive noise in Skype calls may result in a removal from chat.

    If there is something you think you can contribute to the team, let us know!
    We can create roles for those willing to step up and help.
    If interested in a leadership role message a council member.

    Schedule a match with us!
    To schedule a match with Majestic contact the team rep, @Jilin
    We have members split between US, Australian, and European time zones.

    Brawl Matches:
    [Unofficial] The Paladins 2.0 vs Majestic
    November 14th, 2015 - 2pm EST

    [Official] Duck Squad vs Majestic
    October 30th, 2015 - 9pm EST

    [Official] The Crusaders+The Flying Walruses vs. Majestic+Genetic
    October 30th - 5pm EST

    [Unofficial] MJT vs HAT
    October 24th, 2015 - 12pm EST

    [Unofficial] DareDevils vs Majestic
    October 17th, 2015 - 2pm EST

    [Unofficial] Defiance vs Majestic
    October 10th, 2015 - 9pm EST

    [Official] MJT + DS vs TBF + TFW
    October 10th, 2015 - 5pm EST

    [Official] The Outcasts vs Majestic
    September 20th, 2015 - 12pm EST

    [Unofficial] TC vs Majestic
    September 5th, 2015 - 5pm EST

    [Unofficial] Majestic vs Unseen
    August 29th, 2015 - 7pm EST

    [Unofficial] TeamTeamTeam vs Majestic
    August 22nd, 2015 - 8pm EST

    Join Us!
    UPDATE: All new members are accepted under a trial policy.
    If accepted, you will be put onto team for a month to see if you are a good fit. This will give you a chance to meet us and for us to see how active you are in chat and matches. At the end of the month we will message you to let you know if you're fully accepted.
    If denied, please wait a month before reapplying.
    We require a clear "yes" majority for acceptance, with a minimum of 5 yes votes.

    - Applying for: (Member or Merc)
    - IGN:
    - Skype: (Required, message to a leader if you prefer.)
    - Age:
    - Country:
    - Time zone:
    - Main classes:
    - Main roles: (Offense/Defense/Recov/Capping)
    - Premium classes you own:
    - Teams you are a member or merc for:
    - Something about yourself:

    Inactivity Policy:
    A new policy has been added to further warn both members and mercs, if you are inactive in skype chats for 2 months this includes whether or not you can participate in a match as we want to give everyone a chance to play in matches (without PMing a reason to one of our council members you will be removed from the team). Members with a valid reason and are inactive for a long period of time will be moved down to seasonal members and will be re-added after their period of inactivity.

    Members (19/25)

    _khaycee [MJT Leader] _khaycee

    Derpy_Jazz [MJT Team Rep] Derpy_Jazz
    Me_Goes_RAWR [Adviser] Me_Goes_RAWR

    ASAP_Quan ASAP_Quan
    kehmi kehmi
    Dazow1up Dazow1up
    Deplicasus Deplicasus
    __ES __ES
    Jilin Jilin
    M_Digitalis M_Digitalis
    OliveAl OliveAl
    Passive_Turtle Passive_Turtle
    sp00ky101 sp00ky101
    super_mii2 super_mii2
    TWC123 TWC123
    TheBetrayer TheBetrayer
    xRemi xRemi

    Trial Members:
    silvor777 silvor777

    Cleared Alt:
    BossLady BossLady

    Seasonal Members and Retired Members and Mercs:
    Seasonal members automatically rejoin the team when they have time to be active in game (and/or have reliable internet for weekends).

    asplshofcitrus asplshofcitrus
    BlazingBronco BlazingBronco
    DeZilla DeZilla
    FHTzoob FHTzoob

    Forever_Artemis Forever_Artemis beloved founder and leader
    Cybz Cybz member <3
    Xelasi Xelasi manager
    blackfurrykitty [Head Tactician] Blackfurrykitty
    XubiQ XubiQ
    archerfamily archerfamily
    AndyinaBEARsuit AndyinaBEARsuit
    laverageguy [Therapist] Laverageguy
    Star_Wars_Fan Star_Wars_Fan
    BakexCake BakexCake

    Elliott_Moose Elliott_Moose - OG merc
    PantyLines PantyLines - merc
    DJ_V5th DJ_V5th - merc
    Mediocre_ Mediocre_ - merc
    mynemachine mynemachine

    Mercs (35/35)
    UPDATE: Applications are closed! Feel free to apply once a spot opens up!

    Apply on the thread to be considered for future open merc positions. Mercs may be removed if inactive in chat or in game, and the merc roster now rotates regularly to keep activity fresh. You are welcome to rejoin if rotated out of the merc roster. Either reapply in the thread or message a leader.

    19lara97 19lara97
    19lara97ishot 19lara97ishot
    AlekOfAugustgrad AlekOfAugustgrad
    Bill_D Bill_D
    b0squet b0squet
    BrandinoB BrandinoB
    CoasterHamza CoasterHamza
    CreeperBlower CreeperBlower
    Dank_Vader_92 Dank_Vader_92
    DcmXtreme DcmXtreme
    Ducksfan101 Ducksfan101
    E19_ E19_
    ElementalBlade_ ElementalBlade_
    FinniBoy4ever FinniBoy4ever
    Gamren gamren
    Keelerr Keelerr
    kevshadowslayer kevshadowslayer
    KirbysDreamLand KirbysDreamLand
    Kriz Kriz
    lalala lalala
    LordChaos_92 LordChaos_92
    Miskey Miskey
    ningeek212 ningeek212
    Nooksva Nooksva
    pookeythekid pookeythekid
    postsv postsv
    Rohaibcheema Rohaibcheema
    Roscoe_Lim Roscoe_Lim
    ShinxWinx2322 ShinxWinx2322
    ShinxWinx2323 ShinxWinx2323
    Sona_Tea Sona_Tea
    Spiffingkoala SpiffingKoala
    SpiffingOtter SpiffingOtter
    Versians Versians
    Wolveskippy Wolveskippy

    Chat Randies
    Retired Leader:
    forever_artemis [OG|Founding Leader] Forever_Artemis

    Chat Randies: Full
    Retired members and mercs only, kept at the discretion of leadership. Must be active in chat to stay.
    Kriss_ Kriss_
    Johini Johini
    PunoPuni PunoPuni
    Quiet_the_Sniper Quiet_the_Sniper
    AndyinaBEARsuit AndyinaBEARsuit
    laverageguy [Therapist] Laverageguy
    Star_Wars_Fan Star_Wars_Fan
    TheZombieKat TheZombieKat
    Mhrrrlin Mhrrrlin
    RTKno1 RTKno1
    Slingshot_ [Fire & Ice Founder] Slingshot_

    Team Updates
    - New Thread! (Old updates are now cleared)
    - Welcome pookeythekid and Myra_and_Hamza to the team as Mercs! [2015-12-26]
    - Quiet_the_Sniper is now retired from our merc list and put in as chat randee. [2015-12-26]
    - Welcome DcmXtreme to the team as our Merc! [2015-12-27]
    - Welcome Zepphyrre to the team as a trial member! [2015-12-27]
    - BakexCake has been moved to seasonal members list. [2015-12-27]
    - Laverageguy has been moved to seasonal members list. [2015-12-27]
    - RIP archerfamily and AndyinaBEARsuit for inactivity. [2015-12-29]
    - sp00ky101, FHTzoob and DeZilla has been moved down to seasonal members list. [2015-12-29]
    - IMPORTANT New policy added in regards to inactivity. [2015-12-29]
    - PanDaniel_ left the team (as merc). [2015-12-29]
    - RIP Lav and TV from the team ;-; [2016-1-18]

    - Goodbye to Chill, Nin and Sporty from the merc list! We wish you guys good luck in life!
    - Cybz aka InsideJokes has been added to the merc list [2016-1-25]
    - Bdm has left the tem
    - Myne has quit ctf and is now chat randee (not displayed on list)
    - Welcome E19_ as merk!
    - Welcome SpiffingOtter and ElementalBlade_ as merk!
    - Welcome back Ningeek to the team as merk!

    The Majestic Corner
    Skype Moments and Shenanigans
    10/10 u cant handle this incoming swag. Adding more soon.

    Impromptu Sing-Alongs

    Chaos is a Siren, Confirmed.

    Jin is BK's New Rep

    dez h8s images and harri has no soul

    Deps the Depsorian and the Naming of Names
    And updated

    Efrijuan is Blind

    True life stories of Majesticals

    wat was that, mii? u w0t

    Send art links to Khaycee to get them added to the thread.

    [11/4/2015 2:02:03 AM] Jinny-Chan: pl0x add to artwerk thred
    [11/4/2015 2:02:04 AM] Jinny-Chan: cal et
    [11/4/2015 2:02:16 AM] Jinny-Chan: My Little Bumholes


    ["art n rawr - mi parens"] by Jilin

    [Lemonhini] by Jilin

    [Team Mascot] by Jilin

    [MJ5TC Family Tree] by Forever_Artemis

    [Signature] by _khaycee (freaking scrub <3)

    [Signature] by Derpy_Jazz

    Class Giveaways

    Team Youtube Channel (W.I.P)

    Team Signature

    Team Merch: SHOP NOW!!
  2. Deppuccino

    Deppuccino Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2015
    Best team returns
Thread Status:
Please be aware that this thread is more than 30 days old. Do not post unless the topic can still be discussed. Read more...